susah tul nk buat post yang btul2 bermanfaat tuk korg...
xpe..kali nie aq ad article pasal linux yang bank faedahnye...
So kepada anda semua yang bercadang hendak menggunakan distro Linux seperti Ubuntu, Linux Mint,Pinguy OS, Zorin OS dan lain-lain lagi....
jom kte mentelaah fakta di bawah nie....
Antara faedah-faedah menggunakan Linux ialah:
1. Bebas Virus: Ok.. Melihat kepada fakta, Linux bukanlah imun kepada virus 100%. Ingat tu! Cuma setakat ini masih belum ada lagi virus yang dapat menapak dan menyebar dengan kukuh. Aku ada melihat video dari Youtube yang menunjukkan beliau terkena jangkitan virus dari sebuah laman web. Tetapi eksploitasi yang ditunjuk menunjukkan beliau agak cuai dalam mengendalikan setiap laman web yang dilawati. Fakta:Keylogger bukan virus! . Keylogger mampu menyelinap ke dalam Linux. Namun anda perlu ingat, keylogger untuk Linux yang paling hebat pun masih tidak menyeluruh dan tidak 'semenggah' seperti keylogger untuk Windows. Contohnya logkeys. Tambahan, anda perlu tahu, Linux adalah sistem operasi sumber terbuka, dan ini bermakna sesiapa sahaja boleh melihat kepada kod sumbernya. Jika hari ini eksploitasi atau virus dilepaskan, InsyaAllah esok lusa tampalan (patch) sudah siap dibuat. Apa yang anda perlu buat ialah kemaskini sistem operasi anda setiap hari.
2. 100% Percuma: Ada yang berkata sesuatu yang percuma itu tidak bagus. Namun bagi kes Linux, percuma adalah sesuatu yang hebat! Lagipun, siapa yang tak suka benda percuma kan??
3. Pemacu Terbina Dalam: Kebiasaannya jika anda memasang semula Windows, anda perlukan masa untuk mencari pemacu. Apa? Gunakan Driver Pack Solution? Untuk Linux tak perlu semua tu. InsyaAllah, hampir kesemua pemacu sudah terbina dalam kernel. Tinggal plug and play sahaja!
4. Tak Perlu Antivirus: Disebabkan ia menghampiri kepada kesempurnaan bebas virus, maka biasanya antivirus itu tidak perlu. Tiadalah pula salahnya jika anda tetap mahu memasangnya! Lagi pula terdapat beberapa antivirus percuma untuk Linux.
5. Tiada lagi Blue Screen of Doom!: Maaf cakap, tapi melainkan anda benar-benar noob, masalah ini memang tak akan berlaku. Linux adalah sangat stabil. Memang tiada sesuatu yang benar-benar sempurna di dunia ini. Tetapi hakikatnya anda tidak perlu mulai semula komputer anda apabila sistem anda crash, atau mengalami 'kekejangan misteri' seperti Windows.
6. Restart = Tak Perlu: Lepas pasang sesuatu perisian pada Windows, anda perlu mulai semula (restart) komputer anda. Jika anda melakukan kemaskini kepada sistem anda, anda perlu mulai semula juga. Ketika sistem anda kelihatan mula goyah, pening, mual, atau menunjukkan tanda-tanda 'hang', silalah mulai semula untuk menjadikan keadaan 'segar' semula. Situasi ini tidak akan berlaku kepada Linux. Titik noktah.
7. Perisian Windows Tanpa Windows: Ini satu lagi persoalan yang kerap ditanyakan. "Bolehkah saya menjalankan perisian Windows pada Linux?". Jawapannya boleh. Kita ada WINE (Wine Is Not Emulator), Crossover (Pro), dan Playonlinux untuk memasang permainan Windows yang dijalankan melalui Wine juga. Cuma nasihat aku satu sahaja, dah gunakan Linux, tak salah untuk kita embrace teknologi dengan menggunakan kesemua sumber teknologi yang ada, termasuklah perisian-perisian Windows. Tetapi lebih baik jika anda kuasai perisian-perisian yang diciptakan khas untuk Linux. Dengan cara ini anda tidak akan mudah panik apabila memerlukan sesuatu perisian yang ada pada Windows untuk menyiapkan kerja. Sekali-sekala guna ok la!
8. Ratusan Perisian dan Permainan Percuma: Anda bosan dengan apa yang ada? Mahu memasang perisian baru? Tak perlu lagi susah payah mencari. Ambil contoh Ubuntu yang mempunyai Ubuntu Software Center (USC). Sangat mudah. Anda cuma perlu membuka USC, lakukan sedikit klik dan siap! Perisian yang anda mahu sudah pun dipasangkan pada komputer anda.
9. Perisian-perisian Terbina Dalam: Apabila anda memasang semula Windows, perkara kedua setelah memasang pemacu ialah memasang pula perisian-perisian asas dan penting, contohnya perisian pejabat, pelayar web, pengurus arkib dan sebagainya. Ini sekali lagi tidak perlu dilakukan dalam Linux, kerana semuanya sudah cukup, lengkap, dan tersedia. Kita ada Libre Office untuk perisian pejabat menggantikan Microsoft Office, Firefox untuk pelayar web, Totem Movie Player untuk memainkan video, Banshee atau Rhythmbox untuk memainkan muzik dan pelbagai lagi!
10. Hidupkan Komputer Lama!: Komputer dengan spesifikasi lama memang 'menyedihkan' apabila ia dilengkapi dengan Windows. Jika anda mahu kemaskini kepada yang lebih baru contohnya migrasi dari Windows XP kepada Windows 7, anda boleh ucapkan kirim salam sayang lagi sedih kepada Windows 7 kerana spesifikasi yang tidak mencukupi. Dengan Linux, untuk tampilan desktop yang kelihatan lebih moden sekalipun anda boleh pasangkannya kerana keperluan minimum untuk Linux adalah benar-benar minimum dalam erti kata yang sebenar!
11. 3D Desktop: Mungkin ada perisian yang mampu menjadikan desktop Windows kepada suasana 3D contohnya Deskspace, tetapi ia masih terdapat kekurangan, iaitu masih perlu dibeli, dan tidak secantik kesan visual COMPIZ pada Linux! Oh ya. Compiz itu percuma pula! Kesan visual yang boleh dibuat menggunakan Compiz juga adalah lebih banyak dan boleh diubahsuai mengikut kemahuan pengguna.
ok that all tentang faedah2 linux...
arap korang lbih berminat mencuba ataupun balaja ape2 distro linux lepas nie!!....
sumber dari myhackersarehere
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Monday, 5 December 2011
Facebook Comments For Blogger
- Threaded Comments
- Comment Permalinks
- Likability
- Can Subscribe or unsubscribe to comments
- Can Moderate Comments at one place
1. Won’t Sync with your Existing Blogger Comments
Adding Facebook Comments to Blogger:
1. Hide Existing Comments - The best way to start off is by hiding the comments made from the Blogger System. To do that, go to Settings > Posts and Comments and set the Show Comments option to Hide and Save the Settings
2. Create a Facebook App To display Facebook Comments on your Blog you should have a Facebook Application. Don’t get worried by the name. You can do that with a few clicks.
Go to this URL and click on the Create New App button
Enter Some name for your App Agree to the Terms and click on the continue button
If it issues a Captcha verification, type the Captcha and click on the Submit Button
Now you will be taken to a Settings Screen
In the App Domain Field give (If you are using a custom domain give that) Give your Blog Address in the Site URL field under “Website” and Save The Changes. Copy the Application ID from the screen
3. Add Application and Moderator Meta Tags
Modify the below code with the application id copied in step 2.
<meta content='YOUR_FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_ID' property='fb:app_id'/>
Go to Template/Design > Edit HTML and paste the above code just below
and Save the Template
You should create the Facebook Application and the above fb:app_id meta tag should be added to your Blog. Otherwise you won’t be able to manage/moderate your Comments from a single Place(you will have to go to posts one my one and moderate and that too is possible only if you have added the fb:admins open graph meta tag).
4. Add FB Comments - Now you have to add the Facebook Comment Form to your Blog Template. To do that Go to Template/Design > Edit HTML and click on the “Expand Widget Templates” checkbox
Find the following code in your template(Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F), and immediately below that paste the following code:
<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>
If you can’t find this, then find
<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>
If you cant find that as well, then find
Paste the following code just below the line that you just found out
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div id="fb-root"></div>
var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk'; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
js = d.createElement('script'); = id; js.async = true;
js.src = "//";
<fb:comments width='450' colorscheme='light' expr:title='data:post.title' expr:href='data:post.url' expr:xid=''/>
If you want to alter the width, then you can change 450 to the width that you want. If you want the dark version of Facebook comments, then change light to dark in the above code.
5.FB Namespace Declaration - Next you have to add the fb namespace to your template tag.Your template should have the specification for the fb tag that you have used. The following XML namespace declaration will take care of that. To declare the namespace, find
and change it to
<html xmlns:fb=""
(there is a space after the 2008/fbml” )The following screenshot will help you out.
6. Hey! You are done.. Now you should see the Comment box on your Blog :)
If you can’t see it, then it would probably be because you have added some Non-FBML Facebook Plugin. If that is the case, then remove it and add the FBML versions of those widgets. All Facebook Plugins Provided here use the FBML markup(at the time of writing).
Managing Your Comments
When you are logged in to your Facebook account, the Facebook comment plugin will detect that you are the admin(it will detect you if you have added the fb:app_id or fb:admins meta tags). You will be able to manage the Settings and moderate the comments from there:
Check the “Other Login Providers” (Yahoo AOL and Hotmail)option and Save the settings if you want non-Facebook users to leave comments.
You can moderate your comments from this URL
Displaying Facebook Comment Count
Use the following code in the post loop to get a Comment Count Display with a link to the comment form. This code should be added within the post loop. For example, this can be added below <data:post.body/>
<b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'>
var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk'; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
js = d.createElement('script'); = id; js.async = true;
js.src = "//";
<a expr:href='data:post.url + "#fb-root"'><fb:comments-count expr:href='data:post.url'></fb:comments-count> comments</a>
Saturday, 3 December 2011
mat lari
Project TIS 2011/2012
arap korang terhibur....haha
Friday, 18 November 2011
Beginners Guide to the Ubuntu Terminal
Beginners Guide to the Ubuntu Terminal |
The Ubuntu terminal window is often a barrier for new Linux users blocking them from effectively using the Linux desktop. Many users have been using point and click methods of desktop navigation since MS-DOS in the 80s. The idea of typing text into a command window can be a bit overwhelming for todays average computer user but it shouldn't be. The advantages of using the command-line Terminal to accomplish tasks are great. The speed of using the terminal in a fraction of that it takes to accomplish the same task graphically. Try installing a package using the synaptic package manager. That would include at least six clicks of the mouse and typing in the root password once. Or you could use the terminal by clicking on Applications --- Accessories --- Terminal. (Kubuntu users click Menu --- System --- Konsole, Xubuntu users click Applications --- Accessories --- Terminal) Once you've opened the Terminal with your first click you can type sudo apt-get install amarok Then enter the root password and that's it. You package will be downloaded and installed from the terminal window. ![]() From this example you can see the difference in speed, but another advantage of using the Terminal window is the return you get when something goes wrong. If you're using the GUI desktop to accomplish a task and something happens you generally get a one line description but if you're using the Terminal you will receive a more in-depth description of your problem. Yet another advantage to using the command-line Terminal is the universal element that giving commands holds over using a GUI. As you can see from even trying to locate the Terminal, the path to accomplishing a task with the GUI may vary when you're using Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu etc. While Terminal commands aren't always the same in different distributions, you can issue the same commands for Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu and count on their effectiveness. If you prefer to point and click instead of typing any commands into the Terminal you may find shelter under a few other Linux distributions like Mepis, Linspire and a few others. And also this all depends on what you use your computer for. If you play Solitaire and use the Internet to interact with your friends and that's it, it's possible you may never need the Terminal window on Ubuntu. Lets take a look at some very simple commands on the Ubuntu desktop that will allow us to effectively accomplish some small tasks. After you've opened the Terminal window you can start typing in the commands. Below is a list of some useful commands and what they are used for.
Movement In The directory
Managing Files and Text
Managing System and Program Information
Managing Network Connections
Manage Drives and Formats
Managing Rights to Files and Directories
Managing Users and Groups
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